Hey guys!
So earlier today, I composed this song that I titled Oblivion. I honestly think it's my favorite composition so far, I think the main melody really captures a feeling of somber solitude.
I'm thinking about putting a story behind some newer releases. For Oblivion, here's what I had in mind:
The main character, some sort of robot, sits in some kind of destroyed hallway thing, looking at a flickering light above and singing her motif to herself. At one point she stops to listen to the hum of the light, before it flickers off and the only sound is her own internal mechanisms. Then the light flickers back on, and she reminisces about better times when she wasn't so alone and surrounded by destruction, before humming out her motif again.
Hopefully I can make this some kind of little series. I love the slight muted sound of the frequency I ended up with for the main melody. I think said melody kinda sounds like something ButterBees might make.
See ya 'round,
-- Dustin
Edit: here's a mixture of Oblivion's instrument set and Deeper Callouses' melody!